Pastor's Letter on Coronavirus Update and Live Streaming

Church of the Big Wood Family,

You all make up one of most vibrant and resilient congregations I have ever known, and I have no doubt that despite the current national health crisis surrounding COVID-19, that we as a church will continue to move forward in our mission to bring the good news to those who need to hear it in our Valley and beyond. This said, being thoughtful and responsible during this season means that “how” we do this will be different for a time. Because of this, I wanted to give you latest update on our church’s response. 

Worship. Beginning this Sunday, March 22, at 9:30 AM we will be live streaming our modern worship service online. Joining this worship experience will be simple - just go to our website’s home page (, and click on the link and it should take you straight to the service. This week’s message will be entitled, Walking Through the Valley Without Fear (Psalm 23). We look forward to you all joining us this Sunday. The link to join the worship service will be up on our website by the end of this week. 

Other Gatherings and Events. Until further notice, all scheduled meetings, studies, concerts, etc. meeting at the church are cancelled. In addition, the church building is closed, with most of the staff working from home. If you have a question you need answered, please call the church (208.726.5123) and leave a message, or email us ( and we will get back to as soon as possible. 

Care Needs. One of the most important things we can do during this time is support each other. In order to help with this, we are beginning to coordinate a care network. If you or someone you know needs help with grocery shopping, going to the pharmacy, with meals, or some other need - or if you would be able to help with providing these services for others - please email us at or call the church office (208.726.5123). As always, if you need to speak to me as the pastor, please give me a call on my cell (408.425.9694) or email me at  

Please continue to be praying for our community, nation, and world - and be looking for safe ways you can be supporting those around you. And again, if I can be of support to any of you, don’t hesitate to call or email. 
