Pastor's Letter on Coronavirus Update and Live Streaming

Church of the Big Wood Family,

You all make up one of most vibrant and resilient congregations I have ever known, and I have no doubt that despite the current national health crisis surrounding COVID-19, that we as a church will continue to move forward in our mission to bring the good news to those who need to hear it in our Valley and beyond. This said, being thoughtful and responsible during this season means that “how” we do this will be different for a time. Because of this, I wanted to give you latest update on our church’s response.

Worship. Beginning this Sunday, March 22, at 9:30 AM we will be live streaming our modern worship service online. Joining this worship experience will be simple - just go to our website’s home page (, and click on the link and it should take you straight to the service. This week’s message will be entitled, Walking Through the Valley Without Fear (Psalm 23). We look forward to you all joining us this Sunday. The link to join the worship service will be up on our website by the end of this week.