Join us this Sunday
Guest Speaker - Tod Bolsinger
9:30 AM Worship with Sunday School and Nursery Care
For those unable to attend our in person worship service, we are live streaming.
Click to watch now and find corresponding dates!
rightnow media
We’ve teamed up with RightNow Media (the world’s largest streaming library of video Bible resources) to provide free unlimited access to every member and friend of our church to RightNow Media’s library of more than 20,000 videos. Signup here or text PCBW to 49775 to receive a link for your free RightNow Media account.
CBW on Spotify
Church of the Big Wood is on Spotify! We have created an account with the hopes that the songs we sing on Sunday morning would become part of your daily life throughout the week. When you wake in the morning, while driving to work, on a weekend camping trip-- wherever you are and whatever you're doing--the prayer is that we as a church could be ushered into worship, encouraged and strengthened and become more familiar with these songs.
Whether you already stream music on Spotify or not, anyone can download the Spotify App and get listening. Follow "CBW Worship" on Spotify and check out this playlist.
To download Spotify, click here.